Talk Story
This week we have a talk story with Nicky Winter, Executive Director of Achieve Zero (formerly ALEA Bridge). Nicky shares about her organization’s change in name, the services that they providers, and talks about the importance of community partnerships. For more information, visit
What is ‘Talk Story’?
In Hawaii, ‘talk story’ is pidgin for talking with old friends, passing time by chit-chatting, or rekindling old times. The Talk Story segment is a way for the Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness to talk with other leaders in Hawaii’s homelessness response system to get to know them, and to hear about the work that is happening everyday to end homelessness in our community. The ‘Talk Story’ program is consistent with the statutory responsibility of the coordinator and the Hawaii Interagency Council on Homelessness to develop and implement “a public education program on homelessness in Hawaii and disseminate information including data and best practices” (Section 346-381, Hawaii Revised Statutes).
To view other ‘Talk Story’ sessions in this series, please click on the video link above.
Building off of the Road to Home.
Talk Story follows in the steps of ‘Road to Home,’ a regular segment on KHVH from 2017 to 2019, which featured a number of conversations on homelessness with host Rick Hamada. The Road to Home aired its last episode in December 2019. To listen to previous episodes, visit the Road to Home site here.
Hear More About the Stories of Providers Working to End Homelessness in Hawaii.
Prior to ‘Talk Story,’ our staff also conducted video interviews with homeless services providers to highlight their work and the efforts to provide services during the COVID pandemic. Those stories are featured below:

Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center’s Medical Director Christina Wang shares about their street outreach program.

Catholic Charities Hawaii Legislative Liaison Betty Lou Larson shares about homeless advocacy efforts.

Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center Community Health Outreach Worker Kaleka Kaneiakala shares about the syringe exchange program.

Legal Aid Senior Staff Attorney Janet Kelly shares about their homeless outreach and civil legal services programs.

The Salvation Army’s Family Service Office Program Director Anna Stone shares about their rapid rehousing and prevention programs.

U.S. Vets Outreach Coordinator Macy Sevaaetasi shares about their homeless outreach programs at a recent outreach event.

VA social worker Art Minor shares about homeless outreach and other programs available for homeless veterans.